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Macon County Soccer League

Macon County Soccer League




A. MCSL shall follow the rules of FIFA Laws of the game as modified by USYSA for U-6, U-8, and U-10 and further modified by MCSL.
B. Every player registered with MCSLwill be registered with TSSA.


A. Players must furnish a copy of their birth certificate at registration and complete the registration, to include payment of the established registration fee.
B. Age groups shall be determined by TSSA and USYSA. Younger players may play in higher divisions, subject to the exclusive discretion of the Board of Directors, with the written request of the parents.


All team assignments will be via, blind draft, conducted under the supervision of the Board of Directors, except coaches will be permitted to have their own children or grandchildren assigned to their team.


MCSL shall be governed by the conduct and discipline policy of TSSA and its governing bodies.


Spectators are welcome, but must abide by the league rules and respond to any instructions from the coaches. Coaches and players must be on one side of the field and parents and spectators on the other side. All persons not engaged in play must remain away from the goal end of the field and remain at least three (3) yards behind the touch line. Visiting and home teams will remain on opposite ends of the field, visitors to the left as they face the field.


A. All players must be afforded the opportunity to play fifty percent (50%) of each game they are assigned to participate in, providing they have not missed practice without the coach’s permission.
B. Each team must have at least one female on the field at all times during coed matches.


A. When playing quarters, substitutions will be made at the end of each quarter.
B. In case of an injured player, a substitute may enter the field of play with the referee’s approval and be substituted for the injured player. If the referee stops play for an injured player, the player must leave the field of play for the remainder of that period. The opposing team has a right to substitute an equal number of players.
C. When playing halves, substitutions shall be permitted at:

1. Prior to throw-in, in your favor
2. Prior to a goal kick by either team
3. After a goal by either team
4. After an injury, by either team, when the referee stops play
5. At half-time VIII. CHANGING GOALS All teams will change goals at half-time, except U-6 division.


Scores will be kept on all matches with the referee recording the scores on the game report that is turned in to the Director or Referees at the end of the match. The Director of Referees will report the team scores to the Director of Publicity.


The Director Of Publicity shall record all game results and keep current standings of all teams.The tournament and standings will be based on the following point system:

A. Three (3) points for a team victory or forfeit
B. One (1) point for a tie game
C. Zero (0) points for a loss
D. If two or more teams tie, this is the tie breaker:

a. Head to Head during regular season.
b. Least amount of goals allowed during regular season.
c. Total goals scored during regular season.


The decision of the referee is final. Protests to his/her decision may be submitted, in writing, to the Board of Directors and will be reviewed if submitted within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. The Board of Directors will review the protest and render a decision based on TSSA protest, grievances, and appeals policy.


When one team has a five (5) point advantage in the score, the coach must immediately move each player who has scored back to a defensive position in the defensive half of the field. These players may be moved back into offensive positions if their team loses the five (5) point margin. Coaches attempting to circumvent this rule will be guilty of unsporting behavior, cautioned, and an indirect free kick awarded to the opposing team, to be taken at the point where the ball was last in play.
XIII. POSTPONEMENTS If a game is postponed, the season will be extended one (1) week and the game made up on the last Saturday of the season. If two (2) or more games are postponed, the Board of Directors will meet at the call of the President and rule on when or if the additional games will be made up.


Each coach shall turn in a completed publicity report to the Director of Publicity at the end of each scheduled game. The Director of Publicity will endeavor to have the reports, to include players names, published in the local newspapers.

Contact Us

Macon County Soccer League

86 Russell Dr 
Lafayette, Tennessee 37083

Email Us: [email protected]
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